#2773 24.04.2024 21:30 AP

Netzpolitik.org: Verhandlungen der EU-Staaten sind festgefahren

Die EU-Kommission will Internetdienste verpflichten, sämtliche Nutzer anlasslos zu durchsuchen. Der Juristische Dienst des Rats hält diese allgemeine und unterschiedslose Chatkontrolle für illegal. Das EU-Parlament will einen Anfangsverdacht voraussetzen.

#2598 28.01.2024 21:02 AP

The Register: Apple redecorates its iPhone prison to appease Europe

Apple co-founder Steve Jobs described the computer as a bicycle for the mind. But he failed to let that metaphor shape his greatest achievement, the iPhone, which has become a shackle for the soul.

The iPhone is a computer; you just can't use it as one most of the time because it's a closed system. You're not free to install software that Apple has not approved, unless you "jailbreak" the device – the very term suggesting unlawful transgression rather than a right that follows from ownership.

#2468 10.12.2023 21:38 AP

Unite.AI: Paris-based Startup and OpenAI Competitor Mistral AI Valued at $2 Billion

Mistral AI stands at the forefront of innovation with its flagship product, Mistral 7B, a large language model (LLM) renowned for its efficiency and advanced capabilities. Released under the open-source Apache 2.0 license, Mistral 7B represents a significant leap in AI technology, characterized by its customized training, tuning, and data processing methods.

#2462 07.12.2023 22:05 AP

ORF: Hauptbahnhof in Europa auf Platz zwei

Erstmals ist der Wiener Hauptbahnhof im Europäischen Bahnhofsindex vertreten – und das gleich auf Platz zwei hinter dem Hauptbahnhof Zürich. Auch der Bahnhof Meidling wurde ist unter den zehn besten Bahnhöfen Europas.

#2438 30.11.2023 22:34 AP

Proposal on implementing permanent time zones in the European Union

The proven benefits of clocks being aligned with solar time and the negative impact of misaligned clocks on health, the economy, education, safety, and the environment urge for the implementation of permanent time zones as close as possible to solar time (natural time) in Europe.