#2320 19.10.2023 22:46 AP

CunoFS: Is POSIX Outdated in the Cloud Era?

POSIX is an established standard that developers know how to interact with, providing them with a less complicated and less error-prone development process. Lots of existing software is built on the POSIX filesystem paradigm, ready to run in any environment that supports it or be integrated into new toolchains to reduce overall development time. POSIX stays relevant not because of bleeding-edge features, but because developers like its reliability — they only use object storage APIs because they have to.

#2126 01.08.2023 20:00 AP

Tarides: OCaml in Space - Welcome SpaceOS!

SpaceOS is an operating system that is secure by design, providing complete isolation between user software paired with effortless software updates.


SpaceOS is built on stable and safe programming logic (read on for details about the memory safety of OCaml) and MirageOS unikernel technology.

#1764 19.03.2023 16:35 AP

Slashdot: Unix Pioneer Ken Thompson Announces He's Switching From Mac To Linux

I have, for most of my life — because I was sort of born into it — run Apple.

Now recently, meaning within the last five years, I've become more and more depressed, and what Apple is doing to something that should allow you to work is just atrocious. But they are taking a lot of space and time to do it, so it's okay.

And I have come, within the last month or two, to say, even though I've invested, you know, a zillion years in Apple — I'm throwing it away. And I'm going to Linux. To Raspbian in particular.