#1971 26.05.2023 16:26 AP

Handelsblatt: „Mein Autopilot hat mich fast umgebracht“: Tesla-Files nähren Zweifel an Elon Musks Versprechen

Insider haben dem Handelsblatt 100 Gigabyte Daten zugespielt, die aus Teslas IT-System stammen sollen. Sie legen nahe, dass der Autohersteller größere technische Probleme hat als bislang gedacht. Tesla spricht von Datenklau.

Ars Technica: Huge Tesla leak reveals thousands of safety concerns, privacy problems

The German publication Handelsblatt is in possession of more than 23,000 internal files and documents from Tesla after an employee leaked the data. The files include personal information on more than 100,000 current and former employees, as well as thousands of reports of problems with Tesla's advanced driving assistance systems, Autopilot, and "Full Self-Driving."
