#2828 11.05.2024 22:23 AP

Scientific American: System Analysis and Programming (1966)

This article is about how to get a computer to do what you want, and why it almost always takes longer than you expect. What follows is not a detailed report on the state of the art of programming but an attempt to show how to set about writing a program. The process of writing a program is primarily intuitive rather than formal; hence we shall be more concerned with the guiding principles that underlie programming than with the particular language in which the program is to be presented to the machine.

#2778 28.04.2024 23:06 AP
Graphql_jsoo_client 0.1.0

Discuss OCaml: Library for GraphQL clients using WebSockets

This is the client side implementation of the GraphQL over WebSocket Protocol 2. It is mainly intended for use with Dream, which implements the server side. This library supports writing client code in Ocaml, that will run in the browser.

It can be found here.

#2683 02.03.2024 15:22 AP

Jianxin via Discuss OCaml: Owl project restructured

After a thorough discussion, Liang @ryanrhymes and I think it might still be for the best interest of the OCaml community to continue maintaining a solid numerical computing library. Consequently, I, Jianxin, will assume the role of project leader to ensure Owl remains maintained. Our goal is to keep Owl stable and updated, given the very limited resource we have, as explained in our previous declaration. At least we aim to keep Owl compatible with the latest stable version of OCaml.