#2778 28.04.2024 23:06 AP
Graphql_jsoo_client 0.1.0

Discuss OCaml: Library for GraphQL clients using WebSockets

This is the client side implementation of the GraphQL over WebSocket Protocol 2. It is mainly intended for use with Dream, which implements the server side. This library supports writing client code in Ocaml, that will run in the browser.

It can be found here.

#2775 27.04.2024 02:21 AP

OcamlPro: OCaml Backtraces on Uncaught Exceptions

This blog post probably won't teach anything new to OCaml veterans; but for the others, you might be glad to learn that this very basic, yet surprisingly little-known feature of OCaml will give you backtraces with source file positions on any uncaught exception.